get to know
Dr. Watts
Growing up, I always wanted to be a physician and my desire for this never wavered over time. As a teen, I watched my Mama struggle with complications from Rheumatoid Arthritis. She had difficulty tolerating conventional treatments, had multiple side effects, and ultimately discovered that she needed a different approach for her treatment. By the time I was a junior in high school, she was under the care of a holistic physician who got her into remission and thriving within a handful of months. I felt protective of my Mama for seeing a “witch doctor” but I couldn’t question her progress. At her urging, I met with this physician, job shadowed at his office, and within a short period of time found myself questioning: What side of medicine did I want to be on? By now you know my decision!
get to know
Dr. Watts
Growing up, I always wanted to be a physician and my desire for this never wavered over time. As a teen, I watched my Mama struggle with complications from Rheumatoid Arthritis. She had difficulty tolerating conventional treatments, had multiple side effects, and ultimately discovered that she needed a different approach for her treatment. By the time I was a junior in high school, she was under the care of a holistic physician who got her into remission and thriving within a handful of months. I felt protective of my Mama for seeing a “witch doctor” but I couldn’t question her progress. At her urging, I met with this physician, job shadowed at his office, and within a short period of time found myself questioning: What side of medicine did I want to be on? By now you know my decision!